Architecture students recognized in student show
The 2014 Taubman College Architecture Student Exhibition, Derby, took place March 24-29 in the CMYK Galleries of the Art + Architecture Building. Members of the Taubman College Alumni Board of Governors and AIA Huron Valley Chapter participated in judging the undergraduate and graduate student exhibition and Willeke Portfolio competition. Awards were given in the following categories:
- Alumni Board of Governors Awards (Undergraduate and Graduate): $500 for each for each undergraduate and graduate studeio winner
- AIA Awards: $1,250 for each undergraduate and graduate winner
- The Richard M. & Sidney K. Robinson Scholarship: $3,500
- Willeke Portfolio Award: $16,000 for the first place winner and $4,000 for the second place winner
Student winners earning monetary prizes included:
- Undergraduate ($500 each): Bjornar Skaar Haveland (Harris), Arch 312: UG1; Ian Donaldson (Borum), Arch 432: UG3
- Graduate ($500 each): Kevin Rosenberg (Ng), Arch 412: Form; Mark Langrehr & Lisa Macfarlane (Mankouche), Arch 552: Networks; Eric Meyer (Miller), Arch 672: Propositions
- AIA Huron Valley Chapter Awards: Alyssa Appel, Arch 312: UG1 (Patterson) and Zachary Gong, Arch 552: Networks (Velikov)
- The Richard M. & Sidney K. Robinson Scholarship: Anne Graziano ($3,500)
- Leonard B. Willeke Portfolio Competition: Martin Elliott, 1st Place ($8,000); Daniel Glick-Unterman, 1st Place ($8,000); Amanda Stimac, 2nd Place ($4,000)
The 2014 Derby award presentation was presented by representatives of the AIA Huron Valley Chapter and the Alumni Board of Governors on March 28 in the A+A Auditorium. The Alumni Board of Governors also presented the Leonard B. Willeke Design Prize. This annual undergraduate portfolio competition honoring the late architect recognizes design excellence and innovation. For a complete list of winners and their work, view the final PDF of the presentation.
Special thanks to the following judges and faculty representatives who assisted with this year’s judging:
- Undergraduate Awards (ARCH 312: UG1): Jurors: Michael C. Corby / FAIA, B.S.’82, M.ARCH.’84, Executive Vice President, Integrated Architecture, Grand Rapids; Randall William Ott / AIA, B.S.’80, Dean, School Of Architecture + Planning, The Catholic University Of America, Washington, D.C.; Faculty Representative: Farzin Lotfi-Jam / Walter B. Sanders Fellow, Lecturer In Architecture
- Undergraduate Awards (ARCH 432: UG3): Jurors: Janet Attarian / B.S.’90, M.ARCH.’92, Project Director, Streetscape And Sustainable Design Program, Chicago Department Of Transportation; Michael Le Fevre / FAIA, B.S.’76, M.ARCH. ‘77, Vice President, Planning & Design Support, Holder Construction Company; Faculty Representative: Keith Mitnick / Associate Professor Of Architecture
- Graduate Awards (ARCH 412: FORM): Jurors: Gordon Carrier / FAIA, NCARB, B.S.’79, M.ARCH.’81, Design Principal, Carrier Johnson + Culture, San Diego; Robin Guenther / FAIA, M.ARCH.’78, Principal, Perkins + Will, New York; Faculty Representative: Melissa Harris / Associate Professor Of Architecture
- Graduate Awards (ARCH 552: NETWORKS): Jurors: Jacqueline Chavis / B.S.’02, M.ARCH.’04, Associate, Gensler, Washington, D.C.; Ilene R. Tyler / FAIA, B.ARCH.’70, Director Of Preservation, Quinn Evans Architects, Ann Arbor; Faculty Representative: Malcolm Mccullough / Professor Of Architecture
- Graduate Awards (ARCH 672: PROPOSITIONS): Jurors: Gordon Carrier / FAIA, NCARB, B.S.’79, M.ARCH.’81, Design Principal, Carrier Johnson + Culture, San Diego; Robin Guenther / FAIA, M.ARCH.’78, Principal, Perkins + Will, New York; Faculty Representative: Melissa Harris / Associate Professor Of Architecture
- AIA Huron Valley Chapter Awards and The Richard M. & Sidney K. Robinson Scholarship: Jurors:
Jan Culbertson / B.S.’77, M.ARCH.’79, A3C Collaborative Architecture, Ann Arbor; Eugene Hopkins / FAIA, B.S.’74, M. ARCH.’75, Burns/Hopkins Design Studio, Ann Arbor; Stephen M. Wilson / B.S.’06, M.ARCH.’08, M.ENG.’08, O/X Studio, Ann Arbor; Undergraduate Presenter: Bradford Angelini / Angelini & Associates Architects, Ann Arbor; Graduate Presenter:
Charles Bultman Ii / Charles Bultman Architect, Ann Arbor; Scholarship Presenter: Sidney K. Robinson / D.ARCH.’74, Professor Emeritus Of Architecture, University Of Illinois, Chicago - Leonard B. Willeke Portfolio Competition: Jurors: Lorissa Macallister / M.ARCH.’99, Principal, Enviah, Grand Rapids; James W. Simeo / B.S.’83, Principal, Co Architects, Los Angeles; Thomas J. Sherry / B.S.’91, M.ARCH.’93, Senior Consultant, The Kresge Foundation; Faculty Representative: Steven Mankouche / Associate Professor Of Architecture