U-M Represents at Annual Association of College Schools of Planning in Houston
This year marks the 55th Annual ACSP Conference, Justice and The City: (re)Examining the Past to Create the Future. The conference theme will revisit the progress made toward social equity, multiculturalism, environmental activism, and advocacy planning in the 1960s, and look forward to the next 50 years of development in urban and regional planning. The conference will be located in Houston on October 22-25.
The Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning (ASCP) is a society of university programs in urban and regional planning, serving the purpose of understanding the dynamics of urban and regional development, enhancing planning practices, and improving the education of both novice and experienced planners by bridging the gap between the classroom and the world of practice.
Several Taubman College faculty members from the Urban and Regional Planning program will be providing expertise at the ACSP Conference, including:
– Associate Professor Scott Campbell, speaking on alternatives to sustainability-as-equilibrium and adapting infrastructure and institutions to climate change at the regional scale
– Assistant Professor Robert Goodspeed, discussing new methods for citizen participation
– Assistant Professor Ana Paula Pimental Walker, presenting on resilience and tenure security in informal housing
– Professor Margi Dewar, presenting on a Learning from Detroit session
– Associate Professor Lan Deng, discussing affordable housing provision in an international context and moderating a roundtable on rapidly urbanizing China
– Centennial Professor June Thomas, moderating a highlight session on the future of the metropolis, speaking on equity planning in legacy cities, and participating in a session on the post-Ferguson planning agenda
– Assistant Professor Lesli Hoey, presenting on the peer-learning approach and bringing practice to the classroom
– Professor Robert Fishman, discussing urban design methodologies
– Associate Professor David Thacher, presenting on the Opium Den Laws of 1875-1899
– Dow Sustainability Doctoral Fellow Loui Merlin, discussing shared automated vehicles and transit
– Professor Jonathan Levine, discussing accessibility evaluation at the project level
– Associate Professor Joe Grengs, discussing accessibility evaluation at the project level
-Centennial Professor June Manning Thomas is the current ACSP president who will preside over the conference activities; this is her last term as ACSP president
Doctoral candidates from Taubman College who will be representing at the ACSP Conference include: Ian Riekes Trivers, Carla Maria Kayanan, Justin Meyer, Joshua Shake, Eric Seymour, Patrick Cooper-McCann, Matthew Weber, Danielle Rivera, and David Weinreich.
For more information on the conference, and a full schedule of presentations, visit: http://www.acsp.org/conferences/annual_conference