Jazairy’s Geographies of Trash featured in Abitare
A review of Geographies of Trash, by Assistant Professor El Hadi Jazairy and Rania Ghosn, was published in Abitare on January 1st, 2016. In the review, Fabrizio Gallanti writes “For Rania Ghosn and El Hadi Jazairy, trash is a material that can be used to reimagine urban development in the United States.” In the Age of Environment, the scale of waste management is geographic, all while often relegating such undesired matter to invisibility as “matter out of place.” Geographies of Trash reclaims the role of forms, technologies, economies and logistics of the waste system in the production of new aesthetics and politics of urbanism. Honored with a 2014 ACSA Faculty Design Award, the book charts the geographies of trash in Michigan across scales to propose five speculative projects that bring to visibility disciplinary controversies on the relations of technology, space and politics.
You can read the review in Abitare’s website: http://www.abitare.it/en/research/publications/2016/01/01/trash-it-can-transform-cities/
You can find more information on the book in Design Earth’s website: http://design-earth.org/publications/geographies-of-trash/2/