“(a)typical office” Selected for 2016 MCHAP.student Award at IIT
The thesis project of Tommy Kyung Tae Nam and Yun Yun, “(a)typical office,” developed in Assistant Professor Adam Fure’s “Form Functions” studio, has won the first student Mies Crown Hall America Prize (MCHAP.student) at the Illinois Institute of Technology. Their project was chosen from nominated entries from more than 70 schools around the world; the eight finalists included student projects from Canada, Chile, Penn State, and Virginia Tech. Tae Nam and Yun were presented with the award at IIT’s Crown Hall on October 19, 2016. They will be acknowledged with a Research Fellowship at the IIT College of Architecture and a $10,000 commitment towards a production of the fellowship outcomes.
MCHAP.student joins MCHAP and MCHAP.emerge which were launched in 2013 to recognize the best built works throughout the Americas. To energize the American discourse among young architects, the MCHAP.student prize was created to recognize the most outstanding project by a 2015/16 graduating student that addresses the metropolis through an architectural proposal.
Read more about the award here: http://arch.iit.edu/life/mchap-student-201516-announced