News, Jul 3, 2017
Bigham Lectures and Leads Design Workshop at "Feminist Urbanism/Urban Feminism" in Kyiv, Ukraine

Bigham Lectures and Leads Design Workshop at “Feminist Urbanism/Urban Feminism” in Kyiv, Ukraine

Ashley Bigham, Lecturer and 2015-2016 Walter B. Sanders Fellow, will lead a workshop and present a guest expert lecture at the “Feminist Urbanism/Urban Feminism” program at the Center for Urban Studies, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, Kyiv, Ukraine on July 3 – 9, 2017.

“Feminist Urbanism/Urban Feminist” is a 7-day summer school for 20 interdisciplinary participants on the principles of gender-sensitive urbanism and its role in achieving sustainable urban development in Ukraine. The program will include guest lectures, public presentations, and a design workshop led by Bigham.

For more information:

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