News, Jun 6, 2023
Portrait of Bill Bubniak
Bill Bubniak Appointed as Director of Real Estate Initiatives

Bill Bubniak has been appointed associate professor of practice in urban and regional planning and director of real estate initiatives at Taubman College. Bubniak will also serve as the Weiser Center for Real Estate director at the Ross School of Business.

Bubniak, an attorney, CPA (inactive), and licensed real estate broker, is a 35-year veteran of NAI/Farbman, a 200+ person full-service real estate firm based in Chicago and Detroit, where he is on the executive team. Throughout his career, he has been involved in hundreds of real estate investment transactions in multiple states. The Ross Business School graduate will maintain his position at Farbman, representing institutional and private clients during this appointment.

Bubniak said, “I’m excited to give back to Taubman College, Ross, and the university I love. I’ve always enjoyed mentoring employees and interns at Farbman. As a faculty member at Taubman College, I look forward to inspiring students and helping them become future real estate professionals that are making a difference in the world while continuing to bring prominence to the real estate program at the University.”

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