Preserving Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing in Detroit
Maya Baker, Melika Belhaj, Anthony Bui, Christian Carroll, David Elam, Alexis Farrell, Maria Garcia Reyna, Tianhong Ge, Nick Hill, Michelle Marin, Yifei Sun
Lan Deng
Abstract In October 2017, the City of Detroit officially announced a plan to construct a 27.5- mile greenway system called the Joe Louis Greenway (JLG). In May 2021, the JLG Framework Plan was published and construction of the JLG recently began in the Midwest and Barton-McFarland communities.1 Although the planned Joe Louis Greenway stands to elevate and connect neighborhoods in Detroit that have experienced historic and systemic disinvestment, including the Oakman Boulevard Community neighborhood, the Greenway may also create pressure on the local housing market. Government initiatives ought to be pursued to preserve the affordability and physical condition of naturally…