Md Ehsan Alam

Master of Urban Design
Degree Program(s)
Graduation Date
May 2024
What do you consider the strengths of the program?
The strength of the program really is its commitment towards diversity and inclusion. That is to say that if you have an opinion, there’s a place for it here; at the same time, while we are studying in the United States, this is a program which talks about the world. No matter where you aspire to work in the world, no matter what issues of the day, of the past, and of the future you’re concerned with, Taubman College is suited to not only acknowledge those issues but also help you address them further and grow along the process.
Describe your experience with the faculty and fellow students
Taubman College is, for me, an ecosystem. That is to say, it’s one giant family of my colleagues, the professor’s students from other programs, and, of course, the environment of the campus and Ann Arbor itself. And to that end, the experience has definitely been one of growth every day.
What advice do you have for someone who is considering applying?
I can personally attest to the fact that Taubman College had a place for every single opinion I had, and it has become a place where I felt hard, but at the same time, it’s a place that’s slowly teaching me how to listen. Taubman College should definitely be on your list because this is a place where everybody has room to grow