ARCH 509, Section 8

Architecture and Artificial Intelligence
Winter 2023
Instructors: Matias del Campo
Term: Winter 2023
Section: 8
Class Number: 509
Credits: 3
Required: No
Elective: No
Meets: Tue 8:30-11:30am  2227 A&AB
Course Brief:

The main aim of this seminar is to introduce students to a series of ideas and methods about using Artificial Intelligence in architectural design. The rise of AI in the design ecology of architecture has opened various avenues of interrogation. From the use of Machine Learning for the optimization of structures to the many ethical implications in the use of AI. This seminar introduces students to the topic from two particular directions: skill building and theory. In the skill-building sessions, students are introduced to a set of tools to use AI in their work. How to use AI in architecture design? Examples are followed by hands-on exercises with AI tools. From easy-to-use, readymade applications to cloud computing solutions such as GitHub, Google Colab, and online datasets – to the theoretical implications in architecture. Aspects of authorship, agency, estrangement and data bias are discussed in the seminar in a series of lectures that include fields such as visual arts, music, and literature and their use of AI tools.