Fundamentals of Real Estate Development — The course introduces students to real estate development by focusing on components of the development process including: Project Conception; Pre-Development; Construction; Completion and Stabilization; and Property Management and Ownership. Students will engage with material through literature, in-class discussions, and hands-on exercises. Case studies will include mixed-use, mixed-density, and mixed-income development projects from a wide range of regional settings throughout the United States. Additionally, through case study presentations, guest lectures from local and regional experts, and self-directed field studies and project tours, students will develop the skills and tools needed to apply deep conceptual learning to self-directed individual and/or group projects. Through an immersive, interactive, project-based approach to real estate development for current and aspiring real estate professionals, all students will be afforded a practical understanding of the processes through which jurisdictions and sites are selected, real property is acquired, and real estate projects are managed.
URP 596
Fundamentals of Real Estate Development
Fall 2023
Melina Duggal
Term: Fall 2023
Class Number: 596
Credits: 3
Required: No
Elective: Yes
Meets: Tue 6:00-9:00pm (Class Instruction Mode: Online)
Course Brief: