Chanel Beebe

Born and raised in Detroit, Michigan, Dr. Chanel Beebe is an artist, writer, researcher, engineer, and educator who designs, implements, and conducts research on S.T.E.A.M. programming. Dr. Beebe has a passion for nourishing youth’s critical and social consciousness and is the founder and C.E.O. of a research and design firm focused on social and educational equity (Beebe Arts LLC.)

Dr. Beebe holds both a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and a Ph.D. in Engineering Education and studies socially situated design and learning experiences. As a growing “socio-technical activist,” Dr. Beebe seeks to blend her values of creativity, equity, health, and sustainability with her formal training as an Industrial Engineer.

Dr. Beebe currently works at D-Ford (the Research and Design arm at Ford Motor Company) where she is researching the future of work and solutions to the next generation of transportation issues.

Before D-Ford, Chanel worked as a Design Researcher for a social design firm based out of Chicago called Greater Good Studio, where she led a Human Centered Design research effort to address barriers to homeownership for marginalized populations.

Ultimately, Chanel hopes her contributions will transform the experience of social reform and well-being for historically disenfranchised people. More of Chanel’s work and progress can be found at


UT 210, Section 1
Winter 2024
Instructors: Chanel Beebe
UT 210, Section 1
Winter 2023
Instructors: Chanel Beebe