Lecturer Etienne Turpin Speaks about Ecotechnical Landscapes at Bandung Institute of Technology
During Assistant Professor Meredith Miller and Dr. Etienne Turpin’s research studio INUNDATION Bangkok/Jakarta, Dr. Turpin was invited by Vice Dean Widjaja Martokusumo and Professor Rina Priyani to lecture at the School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development of the Institute Technologi Bandung (ITB), in Bandung, Indonesia. His lecture – Repositioning Mineralization: Ecotechnical Landscape Aesthetics – discusses research on Sudbury, Ontario, and Detroit, Michigan, that was conducted as part of his Walter B. Sanders Research Fellowship at Taubman College. In the lecture, Dr. Turpin argues for a repositioning of aesthetic commitments in response to neo-industrial processes that have left cities like Sudbury and Detroit in ecological crisis and economic despair. The lecture also addresses the role of the Anthropocene in relation to North American ecotechnical landscapes, and in relation to current design research at ITB, including the ITB and University of Florida joint cultural heritage studio on postindustrial mining towns in Sumatra province, Indonesia.