News, May 21, 2015
Students Cooper-McCann and Romo Win Arts of Citizenship Grants in Public Scholarship

Students Cooper-McCann and Romo Win Arts of Citizenship Grants in Public Scholarship

Urban Planning Students Patrick Cooper-McCann and Frank Romo win two of five Arts of Citizenship Grants in Public Scholarship. Made possible by the generous financial support of Rackham Graduate School, the Arts of Citizenship Grants in Public Scholarship was awarded to students whose projects address local civic issues, present possible solutions, and exhibit the potential for societal progress. Recipients are selected by a committee of faculty members and graduate students, and awarded up to $8,000 for further development of their projects.

Urban Planning recipients include third-year PhD student, Patrick Cooper-McCann, and Master in Urban Planning student Frank Romo for his collaboration with public health PhD candidate, Trish Koman. In Cooper-McCann’s project, Partnering with Detroit’s Parks, the Detroit-based case study assesses the role of local enterprises in the cost management of parks and recreation. Koman and Romo’s co-operative project, Michigan Environmental Mapping Tool, explores the implications of the ever-increasing contamination of our environment. 

For more information: Five Graduate Students Awarded Grants for Public Scholarship

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