News, Nov 30, 2010
Assistant Professors Trandafirescu, Wilcox recognized in the 2010 TEX-FAB Repeat Competition

Assistant professors and partners in the firm area.architecture Anca Trandafirescu and Glenn Wilcox were named runner-up in the TEX-FAB Repeat Digital Fabrication Competition for their project ‘tetra | n.’

tetra | n project is based on the desire to design a generative self-supporting structure capable of variable form. The formation consists of a single unified tower structure with an occupiable base that supports itself simply by standing on the ground. Its complexity provides a visual effect “of a structure that is, on the one hand, highly ordered, rigorous and geometric, and on the other degenerates into near chaos, simulates organic growth, and confounds clear distinctions between foreground and background.”

The competition is hosted by TEX-FAB, a “collaborative network of allied Texas Designers focused on providing a platform for the exchange and exploration of issues related to parametric design and digital fabrication.” Their work will be exhibited at the TEX-FAB Event in Houston in February 2011.

For more about the project:

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