News, Jan 30, 2009
Scott Curry Chosen for APA Urban Design and Preservation Division Spring 2009 Fellow

Scott Curry, M.U.P ’09, has been chosen as the Spring 2009 Fellow of the American Planning Association (APA) Urban Design and Preservation Division’s Fellowship Program. According to Jennifer Morris, the urban Design and preservation division’s secretary and treasurer, the division recently established this program to foster interest in the study of urban design and preservation, as well as the interrelationship between these two areas of planning. The program is open to third and fourth year undergraduate students and first and second year masters degree students. Morris describes Curry’s responsibilities “will include assisting the division’s executive committee with implementing various items of its work plan and monitoring nationwide issues that relate to urban design and preservation in the field of planning.”

For more information about the division’s fellowship program, visit the APA website.

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