News, Dec 9, 2009
Faculty & student writing from Detroit UnReal Estate Agency studio contained in the Atlas of Love and Hate

In 1968, the Detroit Geographical Expedition emerged out of interactions between the radical geographer, William Bunge, and a group of African-American community activists in Detroit. The Expedition was an attempt to produce a new sort of geographic knowledge about Detroit – knowledge that comprised a resource for Detroit, and especially for its disenfranchised African-American population, rather than knowledge for its own sake or for the sake of advancing autonomous discourses or disengaged professions. Among the projects that the Expedition intended to undertake was the documentation of the city’s complex geographical setting, to be published in what was to be titled the Atlas of Love and Hate.

After Bunge was forced out of his academic position at Detroit’s Wayne State University in the late 1960s, however, the Expedition dissolved, with most of its projects, including the Atlas, left unfinished. The Detroit UnReal Estate Agency has resuscitated the Atlas of Love and Hate as a frame for documenting and re-imagining Detroit’s singular urban conditions. Containing work from Detroit Unreal Estate Studios taught at the University of Michigan’s Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning and the Dutch Art Institute in 2009, the Atlas was published as an insert in Volume magazine, winter 2009.

Students and faculty published include:
Andrew Herscher, Architecture faculty
Marc Maxey, Architecture student
Shelby J Moffett, Architecture student
Mireille Roddier, Architecture faculty
Robert Smiley Jr., Architecture student
Nick Tobier, Art & Design faculty
Craig Wilkins, Architecture faculty

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