Taubman College Assistant Professor McLain Clutter is speaking at “Formerly Urban: Projecting Rush Belt Futures,” a conference held at Syracuse Architecture’s Upstate Institute. This two-day conference held October 13 -14, 2010, highlights the “benefits of creating urbanity in weak-market cities.” Participants include twenty-one international experts in architecture, landscape architecture, and urban design and planning, policy, finance, economics, and real estate development. Clutter’s talk, “Cleveland: MEDIPLEX CITY,” will focus on “symbiotic relationship between the Clinic and Cleveland’s urban blight.” Clutter will “speculate on ways that urban hospitals, a building type that is characteristically resistant to assimilation in larger urban culture, may be leveraged to produce new types of urbanism.” The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts and the Deutsche Bank Foundation along with additional support provided by the Central New York Community Foundation are supporting the conference.
Visit the conference website for more information about the event.