Denise Arnold, B.S.’89, M.Arch.’91, announces an exhibit which opened in Vienna in December and runs through February 22, 2009. Titled “Housing Models: Experimentation and Everyday Life,” it explores the question of how experiments in architecture bearing upon everyday life might play out. The exhibit book is available at Catalogue Accompanying the Exhibition: Wohnmodelle – Housing Models, edited by Oliver Elser, Michael Rieper, and Künstlerhaus. Approximately 300 images, abstracts, and essays by local Housing Models’ correspondents and by the participants of the symposium in 2007, and extensive design material afford a comprehensive overview. Published at Folio Verlag ISBN 978-3-85256-490-6
The exhibit showcases 11 international housing projects from farm worker housing in Colorado and Chile to high-end market-rate housing in Tokyo. The inhabitants and the dwellings are the focus of attention. Denise participated in the symposium at the Künstlerhaus Vienna in September 2007 which undertook the selection of these projects from over 60 shortlisted sites. Others who participated in the selection process architecture critics were Fernando Diez (Argentina), Hans Ibelings (Netherlands), Taro Igarashi (Japan), Ivan Kucina (Serbia), Susanne Schindler (United States and Netherlands), Axel Simon (Switzerland), and the curators of the exhibition Oliver Elser (Germany) and Michael Rieper (Austria). Denise contributed an article to the book, which she co-authored with Susanne Schindler. The book catalogues the buildings architects design through the eyes of the occupants. For more information visit